
Rest time for strength training
Rest time for strength training

rest time for strength training

You can avoid that intense fatigue – that sometimes limits your ability to complete a tough set – by performing higher rep work with short rest periods. You know that feeling you get right after doing a near-maximal sets of heavy squats for 5 reps? Like you just gave it everything you got and you’re about to pass out?


By ‘minimal rest training’ I simply mean performing higher reps (about 3 sets of 10-12 reps) and keeping the rest periods relatively short (45-90 seconds).īonus: Take my FREE Physique Quiz and find out EXACTLY what workout routine and diet plan is best for you… based on your current body type. Note: I’m not trying to create a silly new buzzword here. In this article I’ll break down 3 big reasons you should consider incorporating a minimal rest training day into your weekly lifting regimen (to complement your lower rep strength work… not replace it). While this has many benefits, there are potential downsides to focusing purely on strength. Guys are sticking close to the 5×5 range and maintaining a “powerbuilding” (powerlifting/bodybuilding hybrid) style of training. Rest periods should always correlate with the lift and the reps, without these two factors strategic rest periods will not be as effective.Recently high intensity, low rep training has become more and more popular. Whether your goal is fat loss, strength gain or muscle gain rest periods are an easy variable to manipulate for results. Like stated above having loose rest periods can influence how much weight you're actually able to move at that given time for the asked rep range. True numbers/progress - rest periods can help ensure you're recording more accurate progress. These times are made to facilitate different forms of growth, if you're constantly taking off or adding time then you're changing your true numbers. PAP/contrast are when you train the same muscles quickly after one another, their use is to overload muscles by varied intensities.Įxamples - circuit (hex deadlift, dumbbell row, GHD, incline dumbbell press, dumbbell curl all performed 45 seconds after one another), PAP/contrast performing a 3-RM back squat with 10 second rest then doing 6 reps of vertical jump.īe honest - when there's a rest time written in a program try to follow the delegated time. Agonist and antagonist are opposing muscles, ex: a press then a pulling movement. Circuits are often used for fat loss and strength adaptation, high level of work within a short amount of time.


When circuit training you're doing multiple movements quickly after another, typically full body. Shorter rest periods - 10-60 seconds - you'll usually see these used when performing training circuits, agonist/antagonist training or various forms of PAP/contrast methods. The 60-90 seconds allow enough rest to maintain a degree of strength, but should create some form of fatigue to facilitate growth.Įxamples - dips, incline dumbbell presses, chin-ups, GHD, etc.movements that don't tax the system as heavily as compounds and usually have higher rep ranges.Įxception: when compounds are performed at higher reps/less weight (ex: 8 rep back squat) sometimes rest times may be in the 90ish second category-this is often used for beginners.

rest time for strength training

You'll usually see these when you perform accessory lifts (lifts that complement the first compound movement). Medium rest periods - 60-90 seconds - their use comes when training in the hypertrophy and endurance categories aka when strength, endurance and muscle size are being trained for. These recruit more muscles than most lifts and are the lifts most often performed in the relative strength category. Also, if you're performing any form of PAP/contrast training, (the rest after the PAP/contrast movements in reference here) a longer rest is needed for nervous system recovery.Įxamples - squats, deadlifts, bench/overhead pressing, Olympic lifts, etc usually will require more rest. Higher rest periods - 2 minutes+ - their use comes when you're lifting in the relative strength category performing compound movements. Here's how you should interpret and use rest to your advantage. Every rest period has a goal, whether it be hit consistent strength numbers or create a fatigue while still moving the appropriate weight. A lot of folks in the gym will sit and talk in-between sets and not control their rest, these are usually those without a goal in mind or tracked numbers. There are a few key takeaways when thinking about rest and recognizing its usefulness.

Rest time for strength training